Latest Case Studies

Latest Case Studies

Latest Case Studies

Semantic Search with LLMs

Search has changed forever. ChatGPT-technology allows you to search based on semantic, not keywords. It is revolutionizing many applications. How?

Record Linking with Fuzzy matching and LLMs

Many companies struggle to achieve a consolidated perspective of their customers. With data scattered across CRM, ERPs, and various databases, they face challenges in comprehensively understanding and conducting proper analysis.

Migrating from legacy to a Modern Data Platform

Many companies still run on old databases or simply Excel files. Using your data effectively will make you competitive in the market. Your data journey need modern technologies to unlock insights and possibilities with AI.

Detect Money Laundering patterns with Machine Learning

Rule-based systems have been the traditional way to do build prediction and detection systems. Machine Learning techniques are more powerful and can deal with a lot of complexity. Here a case in the difficult problem of detecting money laundering activities among banks' transactions.


At Duenders we specialize in both AI and Data Engineering. We follow our customers from AI strategy to design and implementation. Whether you have a greenfield project or need help with an existing project, we'll help you achieve your dream outcome.
